Econotherm founder Mark Boocock has been announced as a visiting professor at London-based Brunel University.
The partnership further formalizes Boocock’s decade-plus relationship with the UK post-secondary that has included five high-profile European-Union-funded research and development projects on heat pipes – four of which have been successfully completed.

“Econotherm has done more than any company in demonstrating to almost all industrial sectors the benefits of heat pipes versus conventional heat exchanger equipment – and the collaboration with Brunel has supported this achievement in many ways,” says Boocock.
“There are many ideas for new products and applications which have yet to be realized. I will be focused on that going forward, as well as being able to share my industrial experience with more students.”
Econotherm and Brunel have also worked jointly on seven publicly funded research and development projects through the EU Horizon 2020 Programme and Innovate UK, which is the UK’s innovation agency that provides money and support to organisations developing new products and services. Most recently, a consortium including Brunel and Econotherm has been awarded a new EU Project named Stream Step, which is due to commence later this year.
“I am excited to continue with the R&D activities and new funded projects, all with the single objective of extending the application, function and visibility of Econotherm’s product portfolio,” says Boocock.
Outside of Econotherm, Boocock has been hosting lectures to students enrolled in the Building Services Engineering MSc certificate since 2014, which he says has been “most fulfilling.”
“In these lectures, I have been able to give students a perspective from the front line of business which they find quite illuminating. Hopefully I haven’t discouraged too many budding entrepreneurs,” he says.